Let's Talk Class!
I'm Betsy Leondar-Wright.
I'd like to connect if you want to talk about class.
Even in our supposedly ‘classless’ society, lots of us are eager to talk our class life experiences; about classist disrespect towards working-class and poor people; about intersections of classism and racism; about how the class divide underlies so many of today’s crises and gets in the way of building a movement for an equitable, sustainable society.
Here are links to some of my past and current efforts towards a world without classism.
New Book:
Is It Racist? Is It Sexist?
Working-Class Studies Association:
Talking Class Webinar Series
Staffing the Mission:
Turning burnout nonprofit jobs into sustainable jobs
Missing Class:
Strengthening Social Movement Groups by Seeing Class Cultures
Class Action:
Archives: 2004 – 2023
College Courses
On Class and Race Inequality
Class Matters:
Cross-Class Alliance Building for Middle-Class Activists
UU Class Conversations
The Color of Wealth:
The Story Behind the US Racial Wealth Divide